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" You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek
Life beyond the shore
Just out of reach

Yet the waters ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb "

Sing with me a song

Madea was born blind to a single mother named Kaori Saito in Wellwick Wood; her father was an Ishgardian adventurer that had left them before Madea was born, forcing Kaori to raise the baby on her own. Despite her blindness, Madea grew up well, learning to explore the world through touch and sound. Kaori even taught her how to divine the future, using notched tarot cards.

After her mother passed when she was 16, Madea decided to travel to New Gridania and become an adventurer, continuing her studies of being a healer by joining the Conjurer's Guild.

At 19 summers old, Madea joined the Scarlet Oasis, as both a healer and fortune teller. There, she has a small apartment and fortune telling studio.

Of silence and blood

Madea is a stubborn woman, not afraid to speak her mind or talk over someone who's interrupted her. Though for all her stubbornness and sass, she is kind, willing to lend a hand to anyone in need, and bring justice for those who have been wronged.

She does not let her disability get in her way, in fact embracing it, making jokes and pushing herself to take on tasks or skills that might be challenging to her.

The rain falls but

Growing up, Madea was taught about her Doman heritage; especially the language and the culture. Madea is bilingual, being able to speak both Doman and Eorzean fluently. She was also told about the horrors of what happened in Doma, though Kaori waited until Madea was old enough.

Madea didn’t learn much about her father, only his name, where he was from, and that he left before Madea was born. She was told that adventurers had fickle hearts, and to stay away from them, lest her heart was broken, too.

Despite her mother’s advice, when Kaori passed at only 33 summers old, Madea took up adventuring to survive. She headed straight for New Gridania, signing up with the Adventurer’s Guild and becoming a conjurer—if she couldn’t save her mother, she could at least save other people.

Can't wash away the mud

Name: Madea Saito

Nicknames: Mads, Maddie

Age: 20

Height: 5 fulms (5')

Gender/Pronouns: Cis, she/her

Nameday: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/16)

Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner

Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander

Mental Illnesses: PTSD, depression, insomnia

Classes/Jobs: Astrologian, Conjurer

Visage: Short dark blue hair, sightless grey eyes, fair skin that is littered with scars, white starry tattoos covering her arms and legs


Madea is bisexual, preferring women slightly more than men.She got white starry tattoos to cover the scars on her arms and legs soon after her 20th namesday.Madea prefers savory to sweet! She doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but she won’t say no if she’s offered.Madea loves being read to. Especially long, descriptive books. She loves romance, but otherwise doesn’t mind what’s being read to her–so long as it isn’t dreadfully boring.She's learned to read braille, but she's still very much a beginner.Madea's voice claim is Tomoyo Kurosawa. (x) (x)Her mother, Kaori Saito, escaped from Doma; her father, Blacwin Chambers, was an Ishgardian adventurer.She's currently dating a Xaela named Djaga Olkund.Madea wears her mother's cloak when she goes out. It's a bit of a comfort item for her!

Notes about Madea and her Mental Health

Trigger warnings for death, self harm

Madea has PTSD, depression, and insomnia; she’s had them since the Calamity, but they’ve slowly gotten worse. When her mother died and after the massacre at the waking sands were two major events that caused her to break down and hide.
After her mother died, she didn’t leave her house until she ran out of food, and even then she only borrowed or stole what she needed to just get by. More often than not she slept; she didn’t have to face the world when she was awake, and face the reality that she was alone.
During the flashback at the Waking Sands, when she heard what was happening was when she slowly started to crack once more; Madea had just found a new family, and suddenly they were taken away from her again. After burying her friends, she stayed at the church, too numb to do much. Sometimes, she would end up cutting herself, but would always heal herself so no one would get suspicious.
During PTSD episodes, Madea tends to feel suffocated–gasping for air and clawing at her skin. She’ll cry and tends to lash out if touched. Soothing voices, wide open spaces, and warm things (like a blanket or a hot drink in her hands) help calm her down, along with counting.
When depressed or stressed, Madea tends to pick at her skin around her nails and pull out her hair. She’ll also nap a lot, and sometimes dissociates.
For her insomnia, she finds that sometimes herbs help, but most nights she’ll lay in bed and recount how she could have done things differently. Cuddling tends to help her fall asleep faster, knowing that she’s safe and the other person will protect her.

Meet the Mun

Hey! I’m Flower. I’m 23 years old! Typical college student. I’m a reader, writer, actor, singer, dancer, drawer (sorta), cosplayer, pianist, and king of clumsy. I use he/him pronouns. I’m also autistic, so please keep that in mind if I say or do something weird, or if I take you the wrong way!!

My fandoms include:
Doctor WhoHarry PotterArtemis FowlUndertaleFire EmblemAnd a whole bunch I can’t remember off the top of my head.

I’ll be happy to talk to you anytime! Feel free to add me on discord at flower#4540

Please friend me!!!!!

I run a rp blog for Madea over on Tumblr! Feel free to follow me. ❤